Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 86: Accentuate the positive...

Struck down by the PCP gods for lambasting my doorman (for simply doing his job), I understand that with only 4 days left there is no room for negativity. I did my jumprope penance (see pics). Onwards and upwards!!!!

Supersets: love them, but really the only thing to talk about is the V-Sit/Plank sets. V-Sits did 35 the first set then between 20-25 the rest, and tried to keep my legs as staight as possible, especially on the way down, simulating the leg-ups to get more lower ab action. After the 1st set they got much harder much faster w/ the Planks in between. Same for the Planks, harder with the V-Sits in between. I did 1:45 timed sets and made it thru all 5, so technically was not to failure, but w/ the V-Sits in between I was happy that I was able to do 5 full sets of 1:45. And boy was I sweating/shaking by the end the last 3 sets. (NOTE: after seeing Jennifer's post about her KICK ASS 3 minute Plank, I am ashamed and motivated to FAIL OUT THE PLANK next time...maybe I need to do a little more jumprope penance for my Plank sins first...).

Only 4 more days to go. I'm expecting some sort of an epiphany....I'm also expecting the last remnants of my belly to disappear, maybe I should start jumping 3x a day?

1 comment:

  1. You kicked my ass on the V-sits though. I've never done more than 25 of those... and I look like someone's grandmother doing them.

    Now stop whipping yourself already!
