Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 79: PCP Lash of Honor

Had to dig into the archives and bring this one back, after all the talk about flagellation yesterday:

Wed 05-May Days 19-21
-WARNING: if you are doing your rowing on the outside of the sliding glass door (after someone kindly locked it in place for you on the inside) and you have a mischievous 3 year old niece lurking about, make sure to release the bands before she unlocks and opens the door, or else SLAP! Fortunately my arms were straight out and not at full row, but still left a mark (BUT nothing close to Maren's finger...).

Now, on to the stats. Excellent progress this week, especially considering it was a short week (5 days). Check it out:
-Weight: virtually unchanged this week, no biggie. Down 6.3kg overall.
-Body fat: down 1.7%, biggest 1 week drop since Weeks 2-3, I'm chalking it up to the 2-a-day jumping. Down 9.0% overall.
-Visceral fat: unchanged @ 6%, stay the course, target is 5.5%.
-Muscle mass: up 0.9%, biggest 1 week gain since Weeks 2-3. Due to the new/secret pre-workout snack. Patrick said probably the most I could have gained without using steroids. Nice.
-Subcutaneous fat: down 0.9%, biggest 1 week drop since Weeks 2-3, target below 10%.

Workout: 5x 90 second Planks, briefly tried the Pro Tip (raising/bending one leg at a time)...very briefly. Meanwhile, Patrick was doing what I am calling the Plank on Crack: raising/bending one leg at a time, then no hands (forehead on the ground), then no legs (all his weight forward on his elbows, lifted his legs up vertical, actually can't think how that is physically possible now). Then he says "that's nothing, you should see the Kung-fu Planks". Uh, I'll pass...

1 comment:

  1. WTF? Are you sure Patrick isn't a superhero in disguise?
