Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 80-81: Independence Indulgence

Right, so unlike my previous 2 indulgences, which were primarily focused around booze, I made an effort to really think about #3 to make it meaningful, so what could be more appropriate than doing it on Independence Day with one of Tokyo's best burgers: Union Square Tokyo (yes, related to the Union Square Cafe in NY) in Midtown. You could argue that there are better burgers in Tokyo, but UST is definitely top tier, and also very convenient to my apartment AND kid friendly....

Nothing fancy, just went with the bacon cheese burger, medium rare, and fries. I'm not going to play any silly word/mind games: it was AWESOME.

For dessert I shared a little carrot cake thingy with orange sorbet, and a cappuccino. Very yummy, especially the sorbet which was bursting with flavor.

I will say that I felt very full afterward, and since we are all like brothers and sisters now I am comfortable telling you that it all plowed right thru me and moved the mail, almost instantly, but that in and of itself did not make it any less enjoyable.

On a more cerebral level, it was apropos that this indulgence was on Independence Day. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the meal, I did not feel like I really needed it, or that I had been missing such guilty pleasures. One of the people I was with ordered a massive chef's salad, with grilled chicken and shrimp and loaded with all shapes and sizes of colorful veggies, and I found myself oggling at it, thinking how delicious AND healthy it looked.

Fast forward to PCP dinner, the same stir fried veggies and chicken we have almost every night, seasoned with ginger, garlic, black pepper and cayenne pepper (and the wife's secret, the juice collected from steaming the chicken used as a based for the stir fry) over grain pasta. Both the wife and I have recently admitted that we actually, truly enjoy it, even though you might call it bland, the natural flavors are quite nice. She also admitted that she recently was making some instant ramen noodles, using the packet of sauce it comes with, that she has been using for her entire life, and that now it seems really really salty, to the point where she won't be eating the sauce any more (she will make her own).

So we seem to have broken free from the societal norms, and the future looks bright for our house and our lives to be PCP-friendly, to infinity and beyond!

Workout: doing the Shoulder Fly, I rolled my sleeves all the way up, and it was amazing to see the definition of the seemingly 3 or 4 different muscles and the veins all working together. Pretty cool...

Remember, Freedom is not free...


  1. Great post, man--it really comes across how much your world-view, and your palate--have shifted. And yeah, don't your shoulders look freakish, especially after a work-out!? It's awesome.

  2. Like. :) Good post, Jason! That bacon cheeseburger looks, well... mmmmmmm!

  3. That looks great! Sounds like you've really learned a lot and internalized it along the way.

  4. Good stuff! Sustainable life extending change!

  5. Love the gorging on burger shot!
    I totally hear you on the lusting after others' green foods. It's bizarre how much I crave good, fresh, unadulterated veggies now.
