Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 22: Carb down

Don't know about everyone else, but my diet this week has a serious reduction n carbs, especially dinner.

Breakfast: found whole wheat bagels at the supermarket, heavier weight (than bread or pita) combined with lower carb allocation and BAM! 1 bagel, normal breakfast! Well, almost: hard boiled egg, cucumber and radish bagel sandwich...

Lunch: the usual garlic grilled shrimp, broccoli, cucumber and carrot, whole wheat tortilla wraps, lower carbs so 4 wraps instead of 5.

Dinner: carbs cut in 1/2 to 50g from 100g! Thought I would go hungry but actually feeling good.
Whole wheat spaghetti, garlic grilled snapper, spinach, broccoli and eggplant. You can see the difference, lots more stuff, lots less spaghetti.

Workout: tripped a lot again, feeling the burn on the rest of the exercises, especially DaVincis, standing ovations and sit-ups.


  1. 50g? I've got none for dinner this week. I'm definitely going to be missing those for a few days at least. Good luck! Go Team Running Rats!

  2. Things are getting interesting now!

  3. Whoops, I guess I should be grateful for my 50g! Sorry for rubbing, er, salt in the wound!

  4. I remember back when I used to have carbs after lunch...I vaguely remember back when I used to eat fewer than give egg-whites a day, too...ah, the bad old days!
