Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 33: Under the weather

Starting to feel a bit under the weather, sore throat, a bit weak, not sure if I'm getting sick or could be allergies. Either way, did full workout today, felt good at the time, will see how we go tomorrow...

V-sits are killing me, by the way, and they ain't pretty...


  1. Take it easy, this is very normal!

  2. Man, I'm with you on the V-sits! I can barely eke out the 8 reps, and they are they visual antonym of "graceful." Sick as it sounds, I actually prefer--even LIKE--the planks by comparison.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Everyone gets the PCP-sickness thing...just do what you can and don't overdo it or you will get PROPERLY sick and miss alot. Get sleep. Even better, on the weekend: take naps!
    And if you think V-sits are bad now... ;)
