Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 18: Results

Weekly workout with Obi-Wan today. Definitely think there is something in the air in Yokohama, did 900 jumps with only 1 trip, at 698. HOLY CRAPOLA!

It is very useful working out with Patrick, not only to give the extra push (keeping the abs tight for the entire last set of sit-ups, both on the way up AND down) but also to make sure I'm doing the exercises right and not cheating on the last few reps (keeping the elbows straight during the DaVincis).

And the results are starting to show, check out the Week 3 stats: GAINED 0.6kg but muscle mass UP 1.0% and body fat DOWN 2.2%. Also feeling a bit more healthy and genki lately, which is a good thing...


  1. Mildly jealous of your face-to-face time, but congrats on the muscle gain, body fat loss and general goodness!
    Also, your jumping all the way through inspired me to do the same, without pauses. I slowed down when I needed to and tripped more than I could count, but I did it. Thanks for the push!

  2. Awesome, man. I was likewise inspired, and made it through all 850 with only 2 trips.
