Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 37: Return of the King

The wife read my blog entry about the SALT in the water for boiling
veggies, so she kicked it up a notch today, check out my lunch: it was
as delicious as it was colorful...there is grain rice hidden underneath
the shrimp, broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, yellow peppers, carrots, asparagus and eggplant.

Worked out with Obi-wan tonight, practically straight off the plain from Hotlanta. Sorted out my pistol squats (tough), push-ups were very tough after the chest dips, v-sits actually a little easier (abs getting stronger), side crunch tough but I like it, feels good to work a new muscle.

Stats are in, looking good. Lost almost 3kg over the past 2 weeks,
body fat and subcutaneous fat down less than 0.5% each but visceral
fat down 1% (Patrick said 1 or the other will go down, not both).
Muscle mass almost unchanged, but that is OK since weight and
fat are down.


  1. Impressive progress, man--it definitely shows! Agreed about V-sits, they're definitely getting better. I did my first non-akward/spastic sets just today!

  2. Dude you are ROCKING it...though I have to say it's almost cheating if you don't have to prep all your food yourself!
