Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 55: Smell the glove

-Need to get workout gloves, getting some wicked calluses (does that spelling look weird to you? does to me, but its right) as a result of the pullups and kung-fu situps.
-I'm sure this is a good thing, every morning I wake up very hungry, and thoroughly enjoy breakfast (most days it is the chicken or shrimp, hard boiled egg, assorted steamed veggies and either tomato or avocado triple decker on raisin wheat bread). Pre-PCP I was only eating an apple or a banana for breakfast, and sometimes I would just skip it altogether...
-Aside from frustration jumping rope on the compact carpet in the elevator hall in my apartment building (can't wait to jump at the gym tomorrow, then again on Fri in Yokohama), I'm feeling really good....waiting to slip into the valley. Obi-wan says Days 50-65 are critical, so almost 1/2-way thru!

Royce: could not copy the pic on your blog post, so here it is, the Mr. Clean Inclined Pullup:


  1. That's a great idea, Jason! I was using one (plastic) broom today and it was bowing out when I pulled on it. I'll try using two the next time.

  2. Ingenious! Raisin wheat bread, also, ingenious!

  3. First of all, kudos for sneaking a Spinal Tap reference into your blog! Love the incline pull-up set up; I never thought of using TWO household cleaning devices!
