Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 77: My favorite subject

Jumping is so frustrating, great sets one day, sloppy messy sets the next. I'm always whipping myself with the rope (its actually not even a rope, its hard plastic), in the shins, hands and forearms, but the other day it actually left a mark, it looked like I just had a run-in with Jack Bauer, or a Singaporean prison guard (very upset I didn't take a picture, its pretty much faded by now).

Not much else to report on this day of rest, just strategerizing about Indulgence #3....


  1. I am also whipping myself with the 'rope.' I also found a nice dirt patch with some gravel to jump on-- I thought it better than hard concrete-- and promptly made a mess of my shoes, socks and legs. Still learning, no?

  2. Ha ha, the in theory the gravel seems like a good idea, but alas....I also fell into the same trap!
