Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 67: Skewers

Last night went to a BBQ, I brought corn on the cob and some kick-ass veggies skewers (very upset I did not take a picture, they were beautiful): red/yellow/orange peppers, asparagus, eggplant, onions, mushrooms. The host assured me that the chicken, fish and lamb chops (Patrick, where does lamb rank on the lean meat scale?) were all PCP-friendly (no butter, no salt, very natural and healthy sauces/spices), I stuck to perrier instead of wine (which apparently was reeeaallly good) and for dessert cherries instead of chou cream (sort of a Japanese cream puff). Rationed the chicken/fish as best I could to stay close to the protein allocation, and gorged myself w/ veggies, was actually very full and satisfied. (Breakfast this morning was leftover chicken and veggies from the BBQ and a hard boiled egg on a whole wheat bagel.)

So it got me thinking about Patrick's recent blog post about Deflators. I have been lucky enough to not come across any during my PCP (so far). Aside from the occasional "no booze? no way!", the most negative reaction I have had was that people said THEY did not have the discipline or motivation to do it themselves, but wished me luck. At the other end of the spectrum, I have had the good fortune of support from a variety of INflators, people that not only wish me luck, but join me in NOT drinking (for a night, at least), and not putting pressure on me to eat just 1 slice of pizza or have just 1 beer (really, how can that hurt?). My biggest Inflator has been my wife, who, as mentioned before, prepares most of my meals while taking care of our now 5 month old baby. In addition, she has joined me in eating more PCP-friendly meals, which is obviously as good for her as it is for me.

So the moral to my Sunday night reflections: while battling the Deflators, make sure to appreciate the Inflators...

1 comment:

  1. Good point! It's such a human foible to focus on the negative.
