Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 68: Tremors

As commented on Brett's blog earlier today, by the end of the 3rd and 4th sets of 90 second planks, my entire body was shaking. As Patrick mentioned, need to make sure your body is not sagging, supported by hanging off of your shoulders rather than your abs keeping you straight. At the end of the 4th set, as sort of a sprint to the finish, I tried to round my back. Holy crap, I thought I was going to explode into pieces. And I was sweating like crazy....Another thing Patrick mentioned before, not for plank in particular but in general, with each set I did I kept saying to myself "OK, just get through this one more set", I think it helped not looking ahead...

Really good chest and bicep burn today too....

1 comment:

  1. Planks only have as much power of you as you let them.
