Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 65: Kicking it up a notch

Let me just get this out of the way: 90 SECOND PLANKS, R U FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?!?!?!!?

OK, feel much better now...

Cut straight to the abs, 2 innovations today:
Leg-ups: alternating sets, 1 regular, 1 on an elevated surface (like a bench), waist at the edge so on the way down your legs go below parallel, hold on with your hands above/behind your head for stability. Be the burn...
Planks: alternating sets, 1 regular (did I mention 90 FREAKIN' SECONDS?!), 1 with the stopwatch under your face, watching the seconds tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...brutal. Apparently its some Jedi-voodoo-magic to get you thinking about the exercise in a different way, mind over plank, whatever, I call it torture...

Stats: looking good this week, firing on all cylinders.
-Weight: down 0.7kg (total -5.7kg from Day 1)
-Body fat: down 1.2% (-7.7%)
-Visceral fat: flat (-2%)
-Muscle: up 0.5% (+3.1%)
-Subcutaneous fat: down 0.8% (-4.8%)

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