Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 61: Hair

Not sure if this is a common side effect of the PCP, but my hair seems to be getting thicker. I have always had relatively thick hair, and I am past due for a haircut. I have also stopped using gel after showering at the gym at lunchtime, so I get a bit of Monchichi action going (much to the amusement of my colleagues and chagrin of my wife).
Chest: mad burn, felt gooood.
Bicycle: my legs are getting tired before my abs so not doing full proper round cycling, more like alternate kicking straight in and out (and not exactly straight out, but angling down toward the floor). still feeling the burn though.
Plank: to quote Jason Fishelberg after reading the Day 61 exercise sheet: "five f*cking sets?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!" BUT, as per a previous post, I think concentrating on and counting deep breaths during the Plank helps get thru it.

Long story short, was at a friend's birthday party Sat night (magic bar, waiters walk around doing magic at the tables, was a blast). I had eaten at home, so should not have been hungry, but there were pizzas and french fries flying all around me. At first it was really really difficult to resist, but ordered veggies sticks instead and suddenly had a moment of enlightenment: most times in a social setting we only eat because its there, not because we are hungry. Felt great with my veggie sticks and Perrier, not just my body but my mind...


  1. I know, eating, and drinking for that matter, are such social things. We've become conditioned just to eat because everyone else is's expected. I've found it makes my friends a little uncomfortable when I won't eat their baked good while they're eating them. I'm not sure if it's b/c they think they're making me feel bad...or they feel bad to watch me resist them. Maybe a little of both?

  2. The good news is that in social situations no one is really paying attention to what you eat so you can slide under the radar with your healthy choices.

  3. Veggie sticks and Perrier will be the one I will choose for social occasions this summer !
